Why Support The Parris Foundation?
Your Support Helps Prepare The Next Generation of STEM Leaders!
Fact: 90% of students who live in poverty are not proficient in math or ready for college.
Fact: African Americans and Hispanics make up over 33% of the US population but represent just 7% of scientists and engineers.
Programs: The Parris Foundation’s S.T.E.M.ulating Minds programs offers extended learning opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) through weekend enrichment, weekday tutoring, digital inclusion grants and college scholarships.

Outcomes: Over a single session (8-15 weeks), weekend enrichment participants show marked improvements in math & science with an average increase of 1-2 letter grades.
Middle school participants are better prepared for state and standardized assessments.
90% of Scholarship recipients pursue advanced degrees in STEM
Impact: Engaging services are offered year round to socio-economically disadvantaged students. Middle school participants add an average of 2 1/2 months to their school year through our Weekend Enrichment and after school tutoring.
“I was pleased to hear of my daughter’s improved test grades and performance in class. I attribute her success to the time spent in The Parris Foundation classes. We are truly appreciative of TPF for helping to build knowledge in our future generation.”
– Proud Parent